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我們的團隊 / Our team



創辦人 / Founder
Mr. Elvin Lam


專業資格 / Qualification 

  • 高級心理諮詢師
    Senior Psychological counselor (NHC CAMS)
  • 以人為本輔導學-NCFE CACHE 第三級認證
    Person-Centred Counselling – NCFE CACHE (Level 3)
  • 精神健康急救員(MHFA)
    Mental Health First Aider(MHAHK)
  • CIC特許高級催眠顧問
    Chartered Senior Consulting Hypnotist
  • NGH 認可催眠治療師
    Certified Hypnotherapist(NGH)
  • CIC特許企業教練
    Chartered Corporate Coach 
  • 認證NLP 高級教練(INLPCA)
    Certified NLP Master Coach
  • 認證NLP 高級執行師(INLPA,INLPF)
    Certified NLP Master Practioner

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關係輔導咨詢師 / Relationship Counsellor / Mr. Adrian Wong

  • 社會科學碩士(輔導學)
    MSocSc Counselling
    City University of Hong Kong
  • 神經語言程式學發證導師 
    Certified NLP Trainer (ABNLP)
  • 認可催眠治療師及導師
    Practitioner & Instructor of Hypnotherapy (ABH)
  • 認證 DiSC 行為分析師
    Certified DiSC Trainer (Everything DiSC® & DISC Flow®)


兒童心理咨詢師 / Child Psychotherapeutic Counsellor / Ms. Helen Mok


  • 家庭輔導及家庭教育碩士
    Master in Family Counselling and Family Education (CUHK)
  • 心理學一級榮譽學士 (香港浸會大學)
    Bsc. (Honours) in Psychology
    (First Class) (BUHK)


  • • 藝術心理學證書
    Certificate in Art Psychology – Self-Understanding and Art Creation (CUSCS)
  • 指導式遊戲治療證書
    Certificate in Directive Group Play Therapy for the Treatment of ADHD, Low Self-
    Esteem and Traumatized Children (MGTCC, USA)
  • 日本繪本故事導師證書
    Certificate in Application to Integrated Play Therapy Approaches on Toys
  • 心理戲劇治療法證書
    Certificate in Psychodrama Therapy




個案督導總監 / Case Supervision Director
Mr. Ivan Leung

專業資格 / Qualification 

  • 註冊社工 (RSW)
    Registered Social Worker (RSW)
  • YouTube「職場marketplace」創辦人
    Founder of YouTube channel “HK Work Marketplace



Strategic Partners / 策略夥伴